
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Message to AIDSAware

My Message to AIDSAware

#Don't be another statistic, stop aids.
#aids makes us equal.
#everyday,2 women and 7 men are newly infected by HIV in malaysia
#870 children under the age of 13 is living with hiv in malaysia
#621 malaysians died from aids related illnesses in 2009
#35.9% of reported HIV cases are between the age of 13-29
#there will be 128,000 people living with HIV in malaysia in 2015
#1 in 5 injecting drug users are HIV positive.
#for every single male, detected with HIV ,3 are undetected.
#9 malaysians test positive for HIV every day
#13 000 has died from aids to date in malaysia
#91 % of people living with HIV in malaysia are men.
#34% of new reported HIV cases in Malaysia are in the twenties
#PT foundation offers free anonymous HIV testing
#fight aids,fight prefudice, fight ignorance ,choose your life
#awareness save lives, tweet #AIDSAWARE with your message.
#sex can be safe, use a rubber
#if you love her, wear a cover.
#you can be the difference
#protection is cool ,AIDS isn't
#dying young is no fundon't be another statistic, stop aids.
#aids makes us equal.
#everyday,2 women and 7 men are newly infected by HIV in malaysia
#870 children under the age of 13 is living with hiv in malaysia
#621 malaysians died from aids related illnesses in 2009
#35.9% of reported HIV cases are between the age of 13-29
#there will be 128,000 people living with HIV in malaysia in 2015
#1 in 5 injecting drug users are HIV positive.
#for every single male, detected with HIV ,3 are undetected.
#9 malaysians test positive for HIV every day
#13 000 has died from aids to date in malaysia
#91 % of people living with HIV in malaysia are men.
#34% of new reported HIV cases in Malaysia are in the twenties

so my advice, stay away from drugs if not affected by aids. hope all learn to read the above message. so stop aidsaware.

Let's see project alpha videos Episode 15-17 season2 week 10

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and